During the early stages of the design process, multiple ideas in "PDF" format are sent so clients may see the
stages of development and multiple concepts that I want
to share with them.
process does not replace site visits and one on one meetings. During this early exploratory stage it is a time saver and an
easy way to exchange thoughts between myself and my clients without many interuptions into they're busy work and
personel life.
Presentation hard copy was printed out on 24" x 36" sheet
The actual "PDF" file link
below may take "2" minutes to download -----OR----- Click
on pictureabove to simply see a larger view of Plan - A
Presentation hard copy was printed out on 18" x 24" sheet
The actual "PDF" file link
below may take "1" minute to download -----OR----- Click
on picture above to simply see a larger view of Plan -B